Media Coverage
ATV: Top 1% Recognition in the 35Awards ‘Horned Animals’ Contest
Koha Jone: Wildlife Photography Fest
Ora news: First Prize winner
RTSH Shkodra: Promovimi i fotorafisë së jetës egër.
RTK: Mysafiri i Mëngjesit - Sevdail Sulejmani & Jetmir Troshani
ABC News Albania: "Jeta e egër" në Shqipëri
Wildlife World Photographers: Wildlife Online Event
Radio Ejani: Jetmir Troshani, fotografi i botës së egër
RTV Dukagjini: MOMENT - 08.12.2022
Radio Tirana: Sot në "Zërat e mesnatës" me fotografin e njohur Jetmir Troshani
RTSH Shkodra: Emisioni "PENA E SHKODRËS" nga Arjola Zadrima
RTSH: Fotografi Jetmir Troshanin, vjen me projektin "Ester"
Wildlife World Photographers: Bashkebisedim me miqt e fotografise
Top Channel Albania: Ftesë në 5, Liqeni i Shkodrës, magjia e ”jetës së egër”
RTSH Shkoder: Emisioni "MIRËMËNGJES SHKODER" me Merita Sokolin
Premium Channel: Jetmir Troshani, fotografi i njohur na tregon per Kenian
Kohavision KTV: Ekspedita në Kenia e fotografit Jetmir Troshani
Albspirit: Jetmir Troshani: Në Shkodër lind Wild Europe
RTV21: Live nga New York - Jetmir Troshani
Bonu Kreativ: Tema: Jeta e Egër dhe Rëndësia e saj në Mjedisin tonë
Zani i Malesise: Bota e Egër në objektivin e Shkodranit të talentuar
Jetmir Troshani was born in the beautiful city of Shkodra, Albania known for its unique artistic shared values around the Balkan region. Raised with this art-loving spirit, he continued his high school studying for guitar. In 1997 he immigrated to the States. Currently he is a Project Manager and a part time Adjunct Lecturer at City University of New York.
Wildlife photography is Jetmir's passion and hobby. He aims to encapsulate the natural world's beauty and essence, believing his work can elicit emotions and inspire conservation. His images strive to depict intricate wildlife behavior and unique animal species features, sharing his awe for the natural world's diversity and complexity with his audience.
Respect for animals and their environment is prioritized in his photography, maintaining their welfare and not disrupting their habitats. Jetmir's work serves as an authentic representation of the animals' lives and their natural surroundings.
Ultimately, his hope is that his photography sparks appreciation for the natural world and motivates action towards its protection. He believes that photography can foster meaningful connections with nature, nurturing a sense of responsibility for the Earth's valuable resources.
Contests, Projects, Exhibitions and Trips
Wildlife Photography Fest, Online, December 2024
Aquatic Chirps" Photo Exhibition, Albania, June 2024
Cameras for Science Exhibit, New York, June 2024
LaGuardia Research Committee's Showcase, New York, May 2024
First Prize Contest Winner in Nature category. FIOF, Italy, March 2024
Wildlife Photography Trip, Madrid Spain, December 2023
Permanent exhibition, LaGuardia CC, New York August 2023
Wildlife photography trip, Hungary, June 2023
Project "Snap in Flight 4" Shkodra Lake, Albania, June 2023
Exhibition "Wings of Albania" Washington DC, May 2023
Exhibition "Naturescapes" Long Island City, New York March 2023
Exhibition “Paths of Art” Kalamata, Greece, March 2023
Exhibition “Wild Spain Expo” Pristina, Kosova, February 2023
Wildlife photography trip in Valencia, Spain, December 2022
Exhibition “Wild Expo” Shkoder, Albania, December 2022
Project “Ester”, Shkoder, Albania, November 2022
Project “Snap in Flight” Shkodra Lake, Albania, June 2022
Exhibition “Admirandum” Mantova, Italy, June 2022
Wildlife photography trip to Danube Delta, Romania, June 2022
Wildlife photography trip in Kenya, Africa February 2022
Exhibition "Vellezerit e Bashkuar" Prizren, Kosova, November 2021
Exhibition "Hide Away" Gostivar, North Maqedonia, November 2021
Project "Snap in Flight" Shkodra Lake, Albania, June 2021
Exhibition "PreFOTO 2020" Presevo, Serbia, November 2020
Project "Snap in Flight" Shkodra Lake, Albania, June 2020
Project "Snap in Flight" Shkodra Lake, Albania, June 2019